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MP3 Player with LED strip using Pico RP2040


Author: Raul-Anton Jac
GitHub Project Link:


The project aims to create a multifunctional MP3 player using the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller, enhanced with vibrant LED lighting effects for added ambiance. The MP3 player will allow users to enjoy their favorite music tracks with ease, featuring controls for play, pause, previous song, next song, and volume adjustment. Additionally, the project will incorporate an infrared (IR) remote control for convenient playback management and to control the LED Bar. The LED lighting effects will be synchronized with the music, providing an immersive audiovisual experience tailored to the user's preferences.Depending on time, I hope I will add an application for controlling it at distance.


I chose this project because I am a fan and I have a blog about Eurovision Song Contest. I want to create something which is useful for me and in the same time something very nice and colorful.


Architecture photo

Raspberry Pico RP2040

  • "the brain", controlls everything
  • it is connected with every single module, led strip

1602 LCD

  • interface: I2C
  • connections: GP0 (SDA), GP1 (SCL)
  • it will display the artist and the song playing

IR Receiver

  • connection: GP15
  • it will transmit to pico the request from remote control

Micro SD Module

  • interface: SPI
  • connections: GP13 (CS), GP12 (MISO), GP11 (MOSI), GP10 (SCK)
  • it will read and write on Micro SD Card


  • connection: GP26 (Analog Out)
  • it will control the volume of the player


Week 6 - 12 May

I uploaded the project documentation where i described why I chose this project, what materials I used, how the components are connected.

Week 7 - 19 May

I uploaded the KiCad schematics and the photos with components connected on breadboards.

Week 20 - 26 May


I used the Pico RP2040 W as the "brain" of the entire project, a MicroSD Card Reader for playing the songs connected through SPI. I also have a potentiometer for controlling the volume of the mp3 player, an IR receiver for the remote control (used to control the player and the LED strip). For the outputs I have an OLED Screen (0.91 inch) where I will display the song title and the artist. Also for the output i have an audio amplifier connected to a speaker.

Hardware photo Hardware photo


The KiCad Schematics with all components connected. KiCad Schematics photo

Bill of Materials

Rapspberry Pi Pico WThe microcontroller35 RON
Display OLED 0.91 InchLCD Screen for artist & song20 RON
WS2812 RGB LED Bar (8 LEDs)LED bar for ambient6 RON
2 x 20p 2.54 mm Male Pin HeaderPins for PICO1 RON
MicroSD Card Slot ModuleMicroSD reader for songs5 RON
100k Mono PotentiometerControlling the volume of player2 RON
Infrared Remote Receiver ModuleInfrared sensor for remote control9 RON
Mini Infrared RemoteRemote Control for player and led bar color and modes4 RON
Plusivo Resistor Kit 250 pcsUsed for Voltage Divider15 RON
Breadboard Jumper Wires SetConnecting components8 RON
2 x Breadboard HQ (830 points)Base for the project20 RON
Amplifier Audio Mono XPT8871Amplifies the audio signal5 RON
SpeakerThe output of the mp3 player16 RON


embedded-halFoundation for driversUsed for components to communicate with software
FatFSMicroSD card managementUsed for reading the files from microSD
ssd1306Driver for 0.91 OLED DisplayUsed to transfer the text from pico to lcd
  1. Arduino iPod