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Crasher game

Time your bet before the airplane crashes.


Author: PRODAN Florin Mihai Alexandru
GitHub Project Link:


"Crasher" is an engaging online game featuring an airplane that ascends on the screen while a multiplier increases. Players are challenged to decide the optimal moment to cash out their bet before the airplane crashes, abruptly stopping the multiplier.


This project was inspired by my past experiences with gambling, particularly one that combined elements of risk and strategy in a simple yet engaging format. As part of a project requirement, I decided to bring this game into a tangible form using the Raspberry Pi Pico W and other electronic components. The goal was to recreate the game's excitement and decision-making process in a new, interactive way, merging it with practical experience gained during the lab.


Aviator Game Control Panel

  • The airplane shape will be made of LEDs connected using 75HC595 Shift Registers.
  • The LCD screen will display information about game status, current money amount, etc.
  • One of the buttons will start the game, the airplane will start flying.
  • The other button is used to stop the game before the airplane crashes.
  • With the potentiometer, you will select the amount of money you want to bet.


Week 6 - 12 May

Considering that I was a complete beginner when I started the project, I decided to proceed in the following way: I tried to "play" with each individual component in order to see and better understand how they are used (see the branches in the repository), later combining them to be able to create the logic of the game more easily. At least that's what I thought.

This week I didn't manage to make much noticeable progress, but at least I realized that for my project I need shift registers for LEDs because I don't have enough ports on the Raspberry Pi Pico. Besides that, I built a custom box for the hardware setup: Custom box

Week 7 - 19 May

I started by researching how shift registers can be used for my project, I was helped by this very well explained tutorial. Unfortunately, MicroPython was used in the tutorial, but I managed to adapt my code in Rust.

I started to add the components on the breadboard, then I will also connect the LEDs in the shape of an airplane. Initially, I thought that I could connect them with mother-father wires, but after several tests from which I realized that the light intensity of the LEDs varies because of the wires, I decided that the most ideal would be to use a PCB board where I will solder the LEDs, from which the following prototype resulted: Airplane LEDs

Week 20 - 26 May

This week I improved my code adding more functionalities: the money system and also some LED light show. I gave up on the PCB because I couldn't manage to solder it properly so I resumed to a easier solution: soldering the LEDs directly on my box: LEDS soldering I know it looks a bit messy, but was easier to connect the LEDs in the shape of an airplane like this rather than using a PCB (also I connected all LEDs' grounds together so that I don't have to use 24 wires for the ground).


  1. Raspberry Pi Pico W: Microcontroller board for running the game logic.
  2. LEDs: Visual indicators representing multiplier values.
  3. LCD 1602 module: Display for showing current odds and game information.
  4. Push-button switch: Trigger for starting the game.
  5. Potentiometer: Control for adjusting the bet amount.
  6. Breadboard: Platform for prototyping and connecting components.
  7. Jumper wires: Connectors for establishing electrical connections on the breadboard.

In the project, the Raspberry Pi Pico W runs the game logic, while LEDs visualize multiplier values, the LCD 1602 module displays game information, the push-button switch triggers the game, and the potentiometer adjusts the bet amount. These components are connected using a breadboard and jumper wires for prototyping and experimentation.

Here is my hardware setup: Hardware Setup

My final project is looking like this:

Front viewSide view
Front viewSide view


Please click the photo below to see the project in action:
Project video


KICad Schematics

In the center of the schematics there is the Raspberry Pi Pico W. In it's left side, there are 3 shift registers (74HC595) which I use for the 24 leds that will form my airplane shape. In the right side of the Pico W, there is the LCD connection (actually the PCF8574 I2C module that I use to connect the 1602LCD with my Raspberry Pi Pico W), the 2 push buttons and the potentiometer.

Bill of Materials

Raspberry Pi Pico WMicrocontroller Core35 Lei
LCD 1602 Display (I2C Interface)Display Output25 Lei
Breadboard 830 Tie Points MB-102Prototype Platform10 Lei
Set of 200 LEDs (3mm & 5mm)Visual Indicators16 Lei
Tactile Push ButtonUser Input6.5 Lei (for 10)
10K ohm PotentiometerAdjustable Input12.85 Lei (for 5)
Knobs for PotentiometersKnob for Adjustment10.65 Lei (for 5)
Dupont Wires M-F, 20cmWire Connection6 Lei
Dupont Wires M-F, 30cmWire Connection7 Lei
Dupont Wires F-F, 30cmWire Connection6 Lei
Dupont Wires F-F, 20cmWire Connection6 Lei
Dupont Wires M-M, 30cmWire Connection7 Lei
Dupont Wires M-M, 20cmWire Connection7 Lei
220Ω ResistorsCurrent Limiting9 Lei (for 30)
330Ω ResistorsCurrent Limiting9 Lei (for 30)
Male HeadersConnection Points7.5 Lei (for 10)

Total Cost: 159.5 Lei


cortex-mLow-level access to Cortex-M processorsProvides low-level access and inline assembly support
cortex-m-rtCortex-M runtime supportProvides runtime support for Cortex-M microcontrollers
embassy-embedded-halEmbedded HAL implementation for EmbassyProvides hardware abstraction layer for Embassy
embassy-executorAsync task executor for EmbassyManages asynchronous task execution
embassy-rpEmbassy support for Raspberry Pi RP2040Provides RP2040 support for Embassy
embassy-usb-loggerUSB logging support for EmbassyEnables logging over USB for debugging purposes
logLogging facade for RustProvides a logging framework for Rust applications
embedded-io-asyncAsynchronous I/O traits for embedded systemsDefines async I/O traits for embedded development
embassy-timeTiming utilities for EmbassyProvides timing and delay functionalities
static_cellStatic allocation utilitiesProvides static memory cell utilities, useful for no-std environments
heaplessHeapless data structuresProvides data structures that do not require dynamic memory allocation
embassy-futuresAsync futures for EmbassyProvides utilities for working with async futures in Embassy
futuresAsynchronous programming libraryProvides async/await support and other async utilities
embassy-syncSynchronization primitives for EmbassyProvides synchronization primitives like mutexes and semaphores
embedded-graphics2D graphics libraryUsed for drawing to the display
st7789Display driver for ST7789Used for the display for the Pico Explorer Base
display-interfaceGeneric display interface traitsProvides generic traits for display interfaces
byte-slice-castCasting between byte slices and arraysProvides utilities for casting between byte slices and arrays
embedded-hal-1Hardware abstraction layer for embedded systemsProvides HAL traits for embedded systems
embedded-hal-asyncAsynchronous hardware abstraction layerProvides async HAL traits for embedded systems
embedded-hal-busBus abstractions for embedded HALProvides bus abstractions with async support
embassy-usbUSB support for EmbassyProvides USB device support for Embassy
micro-randTiny, no-std random number generatorUsed to generate when the airplane will crash
ag-lcdLCD driver libraryProvides support for LCD displays, including I2C interface
port-expanderPort expander driver libraryProvides support for port expanders
panic-haltHalting panic handlerProvides a panic handler that halts execution
shared-busShared bus managerManages shared bus resources
no_std_stringsString handling for no-std environmentsProvides string handling utilities for no-std environments

For the software part, everything was pretty straightforward. I used this repository for the LCD display. The flawless functionality of the game is ensured by using asynchronous tasks and custom channels from embassy.

  1. Crasher game demo
  2. How to use 74HC595 Shift Register with Raspberry PI Pico