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WAV-player & more

WAV-player with adjustable volume, LED and wireless light.


Author: Gabriel Dănăilă
GitHub Project Link:


The first microcontroller plays an WAV-coded audio file, modulating it in function of frequency over PWM, which is filtered by an RC Filter and then sent over a 3.5mm Jack to a JBL Speaker, which plays the analog audio. The audio volume is controlled by a potentiometer, not from the speaker. The potentiometer's value is read by another identical microcontroller over ADC, and then it is processed. The result (in ohms) is displayed on a 4-digit display. The Tesla coil can also be used to play audio, but it is not powerful enough for this task, so I decided to bring a fluorescent neon light and use the coil for powering the tube.


I chose this project because I think it is an interesting, innovative idea to put in practice, that is neither too easy or too complex to do for a single-person project. This project idea was brought to me by the lab teacher.


The project has the following architecture:

  • Raspberry Pi Pico 1: The first Pico has the role of processing the digital audio to a pulse-width modulated analog signal, transmitting it over a GPIO pin.
  • RC Filter: The RC Filter is a simple circuit, formed out of a few resistors and capacitors, which filters out some of the noise out of the PWM signal. The output signal is clearer.
  • Potentiometer: The potentiometer is used to adjust the volume of the speaker.
  • JBL Speaker: Is used to play the analog signal.
  • Raspberry Pi Pico 2: The second Pico has the role of reading and processing the potentiometer's resistance. The processed data is then transmitted to the 4 digits display.
  • 4 digits Display: Is used to display the potentiometer's resistance.
  • Powerbank/Power Source: Is used to power the devices.
  • Cooling Fan: Is used to cool off the transistors used to power the Tesla coil.
  • Fluorescent Neon Tube: Turns electrical current into visible light.
  • PCB with Tesla Coil Soldered onto it: The PCB is used to generate an EMF used for powering up the fluorescent tube.




Week 6 - 12 May

Received first hardware parts. The Tesla Coil did not work so I ordered another one. First succesful tests with the PWM Audio code.

Week 7 - 19 May

Received the second Tesla Coil, which, after some fixes from the lab teacher, started working but had a very low visual and acustical intensity. Decided to order other components and shift the project's focus a bit. After an intensive code testing session I decided to use two Pico microcontrollers for two separate purposes. The microcontrollers will both be placed on the same breadboard.

Week 20 - 26 May

This week I finally received and assembled the last pieces of hardware. I have also realized that the potentiometer used had to be a logarithmic one, not linear. I also replaced the default beep.wav file with a longer audio file. I have replaced the hardware pictures, with newer, up to date, pictures. Updated the software library. Added an explanation for as why I have used 2 Raspberry Pi Pico.


I am using a Pico MCU in order to decode and send audio to a speaker, a potentiometer for adjustable volume, a secondary Pico MCU in order to process and send potentiometer's resistance value to a 4 digit display. Also, I will display a Tesla Coil which powers on a fluorescent neon tube wirelessly.


I am using two Pico MCUs because the code snippets and code parts that I use are made for either embassy-rp or embedded-hal specifically. This, on its own it is not the problem. The issue is that embassy-rp, at its core, is actually based on embedded-hal, both using one or more of the same packages. The pieces of code can be put together as one, without issues from rust-analyzer, but with issues from the compiler, which can't compile the same package twice. Theoretically, if all the code would be made to use only one HAL Implementation, it would work, but, the PWM audio, being written in bare metal, using unsafe methods, would be hard to switch into embassy-rp. On the other hand, switching the LED part of the code (which is in embassy-rp) would be equally as hard, if we would want to keep the same functionalities. These being said, the most optimal way I found was to split the code based on the implementation used, with the PWM Audio being based on bare metal embedded-hal and the LED->ADC part being based on embassy-rp. As such, the Pico MCUs, each run its own HAL Implementation.










Bill of Materials

2x Rapspberry Pi Pico WThe microcontrollers70 RON
Kit DIY Mini Speaker Tesla Coil 15-24VSpeaker/EMF generator for powering nearby bulbs/neon tubs45 RON
4 Digits LED DisplayDisplays the potentiometer's resistance12 RON
2x Power and Data CableMicro-USB to USB-A cable16 RON
2x Header Pins for Pi Pico WHeader Pins8 RON
Electronic Components Starting KitKit with Electronic components100 RON
Breadboard with 830 pointsConnects componentsIn-Kit
2x Ceramic Capacitor 104Electrical componentIn-Kit
Ceramic Capacitor 105Electrical componentIn-Kit
Electrolytic Capacitor 10uFElectrical componentIn-Kit
2x 10KΩ ResistorsElectrical componentIn-Kit
2x 2KΩ ResistorsElectrical componentIn-Kit
1KΩ ResistorPart of the RC-FilterIn-Kit
68Ω ResistorPart of the RC-Filter5 RON
PotentiometerAdapts speaker volume6 RON
USB Cooling FanCools Transistors101 RON
USB Hub for the PowerbankSplits an USB port in 4 more ports (used on the Powerbank)27 RON
USB-C to USB-A AdapterConverts an USB-C port in an USB-A port (used on the Powerbank)13 RON
JBL SpeakerPlays Analog AudioAlready Owned
Power SourcePowers the Tesla Coil60 RON
PowerbankPowers the MicrocontrollersAlready Owned
Fluorescent Neon TubeLightens from the Tesla Coil6 RON


embassy-rpThe embassy-rp HAL targets the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller. The HAL implements both blocking and async APIs for many peripherals.Reading, processing and sending data over ADC to multiple peripherals
embassy-embedded-halCollection of utilities to use embedded-hal and embedded-storage traits with Embassy.Dependency of embassy-rp used for adding embedded-hal/rp2040-hal traits to embassy
embassy-timeInstant and Duration for embedded no-std systems, with async timer supportSets the code execution on an await state for a number of seconds/miliseconds (stops code execution for a predefined time period)
embassy-syncno-std, no-alloc synchronization primitives with async supportEstablishes channels used for reading and passing data over ADC
embassy-executorasync/await executor designed for embedded usageUsed for spawning/tasking asynchronous functions like main or read_adc_value
rp2040-halHigh-level Rust drivers for the Raspberry Silicon RP2040 MicrocontrollerSending PWM Audio over GPIO
defmtdefmt ("de format", short for "deferred formatting") is a highly efficient logging framework that targets resource-constrained devices, like microcontrollers.Logging and Debugging code
embedded-timeFully defined, inter-operable, ergonomic, and fast human-time units (both duration and rate types) with hardware timer abstraction and software timers.Used for defining the PWM wave's frequency change rate
  1. PWM Audio
  2. Pico PWM Audio Example
  3. Creating PWM Output
  4. Raspberry Pi Pico -- TM1637
  5. Driver for a LED-display that uses the TM1637 chip